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+86 134 2088 3564



1. 在TAS高校完成CRICOS注册课程,已毕业。对于课程的要求是:
2. 目前申请人和其附申请(配偶和子女)在TAS居住,并且能够提供证据证明准备持续在TAS州生活和居住(需要提供证明材料);
3. 在学习期间,申请人必须在塔斯马尼亚州居住(需要提供证明材料)。
③.海外申请人(有Job Offer):
1.有与提名职业相关的塔州雇主的正式Job Offer;

1. 在TAS高校完成CRICOS注册课程,已毕业。对于课程的要求是:
2. 目前申请人和其附申请(配偶和子女)在TAS居住,并且能够提供证据证明准备持续在TAS州生活和居住(需要提供证明材料);
3. 在学习期间,申请人必须在塔斯马尼亚州居住满12个月(需要提供证明材料)。
5.对TAS劳动力市场进行了研究,并且提供证明文件来说明你的提名职业在TAS当地至少有5-8个就业机会,除非职业在TSOL上标记为High Demand。
6. 在塔州找工期间,有至少6个月的资金支持。
③B:海外申请人(有Job Offer):
1.有与提名职业相关的塔州雇主的正式Job Offer。

由澳洲机构颁发的证书须持证书原件和复印件,在澳洲当地找Justice of the Peace(太平绅士)在复印件上签字;

Email:[email protected]



ANZSCO Occupation Status Assessing Authority English Proficiency

(Category 3A Only)

Other requirements and notes

(Category 3A Only)

252411 职业治疗师Occupational Therapist Open for all nomination categories OTC Proficient Current Stage | skills assessment from Occupational Therapy Board of Australia,

3 years post qualification work experience

252511 物理治疗师Physiotherapist Open for all nomination categories APC Proficient Current AHPRA Registration or Australian Physiotherapy Council Limited Certificate of Substantial Equivalence or Final Certificate

3 years post qualification work experience

254412 注册护士(老年护理)Registered Nurse (aged care) Open for all nomination categories ANMAC Proficient Current AHPRAregistration (in principle registration accepted) 

2 years post qualification work experience

254413 注册护士(儿童和家庭健康)Registered Nurse (Child and Family  Health) Open for all nomination categories ANMAC Proficient Current AHPRA registration (in principle registration accepted) 

2 years post qualification work experience

254414 注册护士(社区卫生服务) Registered Nurse (Community Health) Open for all nomination categories ANMAC Proficient Current AHPRA registration (in principle registration accepted) 

2 years post qualification work experience

254415 注册护士(重症监护和急救)Registered Nurse (Critical Care and  Emergency) Open for all nomination categories ANMAC Proficient Current AHPRA registration (in principle registration accepted) 

2 years post qualification work experience

254416 注册护士(发展迟缓)Registered Nurse (Developmental  Disability) Open for all nomination categories ANMAC Proficient Current AHPRA registration (in principle registration accepted) 

2 years post qualification work experience

254417 注册护士(残疾和康复)Registered Nurse (Disability and  Rehabilitation) Open for all nomination categories ANMAC Proficient Current AHPRA registration (in principle registration accepted) 

2 years post qualification work experience

254418 注册护士(医学)Nurse (Medical) Open for all nomination categories ANMAC Proficient Current AHPRA registration (in principle registration accepted) 

2 years post qualification work experience

254421 注册护士(医疗实践)Registered Nurse (Medical Practice) Open for all nomination categories ANMAC Proficient Current AHPRA registration (in principle registration accepted) 

2 years post qualification work experience

254422 注册护士(心理健康)Registered Nurse (Mental Health) Open for all nomination categories ANMAC Proficient Current AHPRA registration (in principle registration accepted) 

2 years post qualification work experience

254423 注册护士(围手术期)Registered Nurse (Perioperative) Open for all nomination categories ANMAC Proficient Current AHPRA registration (in principle registration accepted) 

2 years post qualification work experience

254424 注册护士(手术)Registered Nurse (Surgical) Open for all nomination categories ANMAC Proficient Current AHPRA registration (in principle registration accepted) 

2 years post qualification work experience

254425 注册护士(儿科)Registered Nurse (Paediatric) Open for all nomination categories ANMAC Proficient Current AHPRA registration (in principle registration accepted) 

2 years post qualification work experience

254499 其他注册护士 Registered Nurses nec Open for all nomination categories ANMAC Proficient Current AHPRA registration (in principle registration accepted) 

2 years post qualification work experience


ANZSCO Occupation Status Assessing Authority English Proficiency

(Category2, 3A,3B Only)

Other requirements and notes

(Category 3A Only)

133111 施工项目经理 Construction Project Manager Open for all nomination categories VETASSESS Proficient at least 5 years post-qualification workforce experience
133112 项目建造师 Project Builder Open for all nomination categories VETASSESS Proficient at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience
312114 建筑估算员 construction estimator Open for all nomination categories VETASSESS Competent at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience
312199 建筑,建造及测量技术员Architectural, Building and Surveying   Technicians nec Open for all nomination categories VETASSESS Competent at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience
321211 321211 汽车技工(普通) Motor Mechanic (General) Open for all nomination categories TRA Competent at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience
321212 柴油汽车技工 Diesel Motor Mechanic Open for all nomination categories TRA Competent at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience
321213 摩托车技工 Motorcycle Mechanic Open for all nomination categories TRA Competent at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience
321214 小型发动机技工 Small Engine Mechanic Open for all nomination categories TRA Competent at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience
322311 金属构造工 Metal Fabricator Open for all nomination categories TRA Competent at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience
322313 焊工(甲等) Welder (First Class) Open for all nomination categories TRA Competent at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience
323211 钳工(普通) Fitter (General) Open for all nomination categories TRA Competent at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience
323212 钳工和车床工 Fitter and Turner Open for all nomination categories TRA Competent at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience
323213 钳工和焊工 Fitter-Welder Open for all nomination categories TRA Competent at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience
323214 金属机械师(甲等) Metal Machinist (First Class) Open for all nomination categories TRA Competent at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience
331111 瓦工 Bricklayer Open for all nomination categories TRA Competent at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience
331112 石匠 Stonemason Open for all nomination categories TRA Competent at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience
331211 木工和细木工 Carpenter and Joiner Open for all nomination categories TRA Competent at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience
331212 木匠 Carpenter Open for all nomination categories TRA Competent at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience
331213 细木工 Joiner Open for all nomination categories TRA Competent at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience
332211 绘画工人 Painting trades workers Open for all nomination categories TRA Competent at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience
333111 玻璃工 Glazier Open for all nomination categories TRA Competent at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience
333211 纤维泥水匠 Fibrous Plasterer Open for all nomination categories TRA Competent at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience
333212 固体泥水匠 Solid Plasterer Open for all nomination categories TRA Competent at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience
333311 屋顶铺瓦工Roof Tiler Open for all nomination categories TRA Competent at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience
334111 管道工(普通) Plumber (General) Open for all nomination categories TRA Competent at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience
334112 空调和机械服务水管工 Airconditioning and Mechanical Services Plumber Open for all nomination categories TRA Competent at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience
334113 下水道工 Drainer Open for all nomination categories TRA Competent at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience
334114 煤气工 Gasfitter Open for all nomination categories TRA Competent at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience
334115 屋顶水暖工 Roof plumber Open for all nomination categories TRA Competent at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience
341111 电工 Electrician Open for all nomination categories TRA Competent at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience
394111 细木工 Cabinetmaker Open for all nomination categories TRA Competent at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience


ANZSCO Occupation Status Assessing Authority English Proficiency

(Category2, 3A,3B Only)

Other requirements and notes

(Category 3A Only)

134212 临床护理主任 Nursing Clinical Director Open for all nomination categories ANMAC Proficient at least 5 years post-qualification workforce experience
134213 初级卫生机构管理者 Primary Health Organisation Manager Open for all nomination categories VETASSESS Proficient at least 5 years post-qualification workforce experience
134214 福利中心经理 Welfare Centre Manager Open for all nomination categories ACWA/VETASSESS Proficient at least 5 years post-qualification workforce experience
251211 医疗放射诊断技师 Medical Diagnostic Radiographer Open for all nomination categories AIR Proficient at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience
251212 医疗放射治疗师 Medical Radiation Therapist Open for all nomination categories AIR Proficient at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience
251214 超声波检验师 Sonographer Open for all nomination categories AIR Proficient at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience
251511 医院药剂师 Hospital Pharmacist Open for all nomination categories APharmC Proficient Current full AHPRA registration (in-principle or provisional registration is not sufficient)

2 years related post qualification work experience

251513 零售药剂师 Retail Pharmacist Open for all nomination categories APharmC Proficient Current full AHPRA registration (in-principle or provisional registration is not sufficient)

2 years related post qualification work experience

251912 义肢矫形师 Orthotist or Prosthetist Open for all nomination categories VETASSESS Proficient at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience
252711 听力学家 Audiologist Open for all nomination categories VETASSESS Proficient at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience
252712 语言病理学家 Speech Pathologist Open for all nomination categories SPA Proficient at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience
254411 执业护师 Nurse Practitioner Open for all nomination categories ANMAC Proficient at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience
253111 全科医生 General Medical Practitioner Open for all nomination categories Medical Board of Australia Proficient at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience
253112 驻院医务人员Resident Medical Officer Open for all nomination categories Medical Board of Australia Proficient at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience
272311 临床心理学家 Clinical Psychologist Open for all nomination categories APS Proficient at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience
272314 心理治疗师 Psychotherapist Open for all nomination categories VETASSESS Proficient at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience
272399 其他未分类心理学家  Psychologists nec Open for all nomination categories APS Proficient at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience
272511 社工 Social Worker Open for all nomination categories AASW Proficient at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience
311211 麻醉技术员Anaesthetic Technician Open for all nomination categories VETASSESS Proficient at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience
272613 福利工作者Welfare Worker Open for all nomination categories ACWA Proficient at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience
311212 心脏技术员Cardiac Technician Open for all nomination categories VETASSESS Proficient at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience
311213 医学实验室技术员Medical Laboratory Technician Open for all nomination categories AIMS Proficient at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience
311214 手术室技术员 Operating Theatre Technician Open for all nomination categories VETASSESS Proficient at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience
311215 药房技术员Pharmacy Technician Open for all nomination categories VETASSESS Proficient at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience
311216 病理收集员 Pathology Collector / Phlebotomist Open for all nomination categories AIMS Proficient at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience
311299 其他医疗技师Medical Technicians nec Open for all nomination categories VETASSESS Proficient at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience
411311 康乐治疗师Diversional Therapist Open for all nomination categories VETASSESS Proficient at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience
411711 社工Community Worker Open for all nomination categories ACWA Proficient at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience
411712 残疾人服务主任Disabilities Services Officer Open for all nomination categories ACWA Proficient at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience
411715 安老院主任Residential Care Officer Open for all nomination categories ACWA Proficient at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience
ANZSCO Occupation Status Assessing Authority English Proficiency

(Category2, 3A,3B Only)

Other requirements and notes

(Category 3A Only)

141111 咖啡馆或餐厅经理Cafe or Restaurant Manager Open for all nomination categories VETASSESS Proficient At least 3 years post qualification management experience in large scale restaurant
141311 酒店或汽车旅馆经理Hotel or Motel Manager Open for all nomination categories VETASSESS Proficient Management experience in a large, international hotel operation
351111 面包师Baker Open for all nomination categories TRA Competent at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience
351112 面点师Pastrycook Open for all nomination categories TRA Competent at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience
351311 主厨 Chef Open for all nomination categories TRA Competent at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience in large-scale kitchen
351411 厨师Cook Open for all nomination categories TRA Competent at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience in large-scale kitchen


ANZSCO Occupation Status Assessing Authority English Proficiency

(Category2, 3A,3B Only)

Other requirements and notes

(Category 3A Only)

133512 生产经理(制造业)Production Manager (Manufacturing) Open for all nomination categories VETASSESS Proficient at least 5 years post-qualification workforce experience
232111 建筑师 Architect Open for all nomination categories AACA Proficient at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience
232112 景观设计师 Landscape Architect Open for all nomination categories VETASSESS Proficient at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience
232411 平面设计师Graphic Designer Open for all nomination categories VETASSESS Proficient at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience
232412 插图画家Illustrator Open for all nomination categories VETASSESS Proficient at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience
232413 多媒体设计师 Multimedia Designer Open for all nomination categories VETASSESS Proficient at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience
232414 网页设计师Web Designer Open for all nomination categories VETASSESS Proficient at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience
233211 土木工程师 Civil Engineer Open for all nomination categories Engineers Australia Proficient At least 5 years post qualification experience; plus

Eligibility to be registered on Engineers Australia's National Engineering Register as a Professional Engineer (i.e., completion of the competency assessment) OR

Registration on Engineers Australia's National Engineering Register as a Professional Engineer


Chartered Professional Engineer with Engineers Australia*

*If gained more than three years ago, evidence that CPD requirements met

233212 岩土工程师 Geotechnical Engineer Open for all nomination categories Engineers Australia Proficient At least 5 years post qualification experience; plus

Eligibility to be registered on Engineers Australia's National Engineering Register as a Professional Engineer (i.e., completion of the competency assessment) OR

Registration on Engineers Australia's National Engineering Register as a Professional Engineer


Chartered Professional Engineer with Engineers Australia*

*If gained more than three years ago, evidence that CPD requirements met

233213 工料测量师 Quantity Surveyor Open for all nomination categories AIQS Proficient at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience
233214 结构工程师 Structural Engineer Open for all nomination categories Engineers Australia Proficient At least 5 years post qualification experience; plus

Eligibility to be registered on Engineers Australia's National Engineering Register as a Professional Engineer (i.e., completion of the competency assessment) OR

Registration on Engineers Australia's National Engineering Register as a Professional Engineer


Chartered Professional Engineer with Engineers Australia*

*If gained more than three years ago, evidence that CPD requirements met

233215 交通工程师Transport Engineer Open for all nomination categories Engineers Australia Proficient At least 5 years post qualification experience; plus

Eligibility to be registered on Engineers Australia's National Engineering Register as a Professional Engineer (i.e., completion of the competency assessment) OR

Registration on Engineers Australia's National Engineering Register as a Professional Engineer


Chartered Professional Engineer with Engineers Australia*

*If gained more than three years ago, evidence that CPD requirements met

233311 电气工程师 Electrical Engineer Open for all nomination categories Engineers Australia Proficient At least 5 years post qualification experience plus

Eligibility to be registered on Engineers Australia's National Engineering Register as a Professional Engineer (i.e., completion of the competency assessment) OR

Registration on Engineers Australia's National Engineering Register as a Professional Engineer


Chartered Professional Engineer with Engineers Australia*

*If gained more than three years ago, evidence that CPD requirements met

233512 机械工程师 Mechanical Engineer Open for all nomination categories Engineers Australia Proficient At least 5 years post qualification experience plus

Eligibility to be registered on Engineers Australia's National Engineering Register as a Professional Engineer (i.e., completion of the competency assessment) OR

Registration on Engineers Australia's National Engineering Register as a Professional Engineer


Chartered Professional Engineer with Engineers Australia*

*If gained more than three years ago, evidence that CPD requirements met

233513 生产或工厂工程师 Production or Plant Engineer Open for all nomination categories Engineers Australia Proficient Qualifications and experience must be directly linked to another Engineering occupation listed on TSOL.

At least 5 years post qualification experience plus

Eligibility to be registered on Engineers Australia's National Engineering Register as a Professional Engineer (i.e., completion of the competency assessment) OR

Registration on Engineers Australia's National Engineering Register as a Professional Engineer


Chartered Professional Engineer with Engineers Australia*

*If gained more than three years ago, evidence that CPD requirements met

312111 建筑绘图员Architectural Draftsperson Open for all nomination categories VETASSESS Proficient at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience
312116 测量或空间科学技术员 Surveying or Spatial Science Technician Open for all nomination categories VETASSESS Proficient At least 3 years post qualification experience


ANZSCO Occupation Status Assessing Authority English Proficiency

(Category2, 3A,3B Only)

Other requirements and notes

(Category 3A Only)

121111 水产养殖农民 Aquaculture Farmer Open for all nomination categories VETASSESS Competent at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience
121213 水果或坚果种植者Fruit or Nut Grower Open for all nomination categories VETASSESS Competent at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience
121215 葡萄种植者Grape Grower Open for all nomination categories VETASSESS Competent at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience
121216 混合作物农民 Mixed Crop Farmer Open for all nomination categories VETASSESS Competent at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience
121221 菜农Vegetable Grower Open for all nomination categories VETASSESS Competent at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience
121299 其他未分类农作物农民Crop Farmers nec Open for all nomination categories VETASSESS Competent at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience
121311 养蜂人Apiarist Open for all nomination categories VETASSESS Competent at least 2 years post-qualification workforce experience
121312 肉牛农民 Beef Cattle Farmer Open for all nomination categories VETASSESS Competent at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience
121313 奶牛农民 Dairy Cattle Farmer Open for all nomination categories VETASSESS Competent at least 2 years post-qualification workforce experience
121316 马饲养员 horse breeder Open for all nomination categories VETASSESS Competent at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience
121317 混合型畜牧业农民 Mixed Livestock Farmer Open for all nomination categories VETASSESS Competent at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience
121318 养猪农民 Pig Farmer Open for all nomination categories VETASSESS Competent at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience
121321 家禽饲养员Poultry Farmer Open for all nomination categories VETASSESS Competent at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience
121322 绵羊饲养员 Sheep Farmer Open for all nomination categories VETASSESS Competent at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience
121399 其他未分类畜牧业农民 Livestock Farmers nec Open for all nomination categories VETASSESS Competent at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience
234213 酿酒师 Wine Maker Open for all nomination categories VETASSESS Competent at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience
234111 农业顾问 Agricultural Consultant Open for all nomination categories VETASSESS Proficient at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience
234112 农业科学家 Agricultural Scientist Open for all nomination categories VETASSESS Proficient at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience


ANZSCO Occupation Status Assessing Authority English Proficiency

(Category2, 3A,3B Only)

Other requirements and notes

(Category 3A Only)

241111 幼儿教育(学前教育)教师 Early Childhood (PrePrimary School) Teacher Open for all nomination categories AITSL IELTS Overall: 7.5

Speaking: 8.0

Listening: 8.0

Reading: 7.0

Writing: 7.0

At least 3 years post qualification experience in an English language school environment
242111 大学讲师​ University Lecture Open for all nomination categories VETASSESS Proficient At least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience
ANZSCO Occupation Status Assessing Authority English Proficiency

(Category2, 3A,3B Only)

Other requirements and notes

(Category 3A Only)

133611 供应及分销经理Supply and Distribution Manager Open for all nomination categories IML Proficient at least 5 years post-qualification workforce experience
139914 质量保证经理Quality Assurance Manager Open for all nomination categories VETASSESS Proficient at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience

experience and employability research must be related to engineering or industrial production

361111 驯犬师或训犬师Dog Handler or Trainer Open for all nomination categories TRA Competent at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience
362211 园丁(普通)Gardener (General) Open for all nomination categories TRA Competent at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience
391111 理发师Hairdresser Open for all nomination categories TRA Competent at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience


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