1. 在TAS高校完成CRICOS注册课程,已毕业。对于课程的要求是:
2. 目前申请人和其附申请(配偶和子女)在TAS居住,并且能够提供证据证明准备持续在TAS州生活和居住(需要提供证明材料);
3. 在学习期间,申请人必须在塔斯马尼亚州居住(需要提供证明材料)。
③.海外申请人(有Job Offer):
1.有与提名职业相关的塔州雇主的正式Job Offer;
1. 在TAS高校完成CRICOS注册课程,已毕业。对于课程的要求是:
2. 目前申请人和其附申请(配偶和子女)在TAS居住,并且能够提供证据证明准备持续在TAS州生活和居住(需要提供证明材料);
3. 在学习期间,申请人必须在塔斯马尼亚州居住满12个月(需要提供证明材料)。
5.对TAS劳动力市场进行了研究,并且提供证明文件来说明你的提名职业在TAS当地至少有5-8个就业机会,除非职业在TSOL上标记为High Demand。
6. 在塔州找工期间,有至少6个月的资金支持。
③B:海外申请人(有Job Offer):
1.有与提名职业相关的塔州雇主的正式Job Offer。
由澳洲机构颁发的证书须持证书原件和复印件,在澳洲当地找Justice of the Peace(太平绅士)在复印件上签字;
Email:[email protected]
ANZSCO | Occupation | Status | Assessing Authority | English Proficiency
(Category 3A Only) |
Other requirements and notes
(Category 3A Only) |
252411 | 职业治疗师Occupational Therapist | Open for all nomination categories | OTC | Proficient | Current Stage | skills assessment from Occupational Therapy Board of Australia,
3 years post qualification work experience |
252511 | 物理治疗师Physiotherapist | Open for all nomination categories | APC | Proficient | Current AHPRA Registration or Australian Physiotherapy Council Limited Certificate of Substantial Equivalence or Final Certificate
3 years post qualification work experience |
254412 | 注册护士(老年护理)Registered Nurse (aged care) | Open for all nomination categories | ANMAC | Proficient | Current AHPRAregistration (in principle registration accepted)
2 years post qualification work experience |
254413 | 注册护士(儿童和家庭健康)Registered Nurse (Child and Family Health) | Open for all nomination categories | ANMAC | Proficient | Current AHPRA registration (in principle registration accepted)
2 years post qualification work experience |
254414 | 注册护士(社区卫生服务) Registered Nurse (Community Health) | Open for all nomination categories | ANMAC | Proficient | Current AHPRA registration (in principle registration accepted)
2 years post qualification work experience |
254415 | 注册护士(重症监护和急救)Registered Nurse (Critical Care and Emergency) | Open for all nomination categories | ANMAC | Proficient | Current AHPRA registration (in principle registration accepted)
2 years post qualification work experience |
254416 | 注册护士(发展迟缓)Registered Nurse (Developmental Disability) | Open for all nomination categories | ANMAC | Proficient | Current AHPRA registration (in principle registration accepted)
2 years post qualification work experience |
254417 | 注册护士(残疾和康复)Registered Nurse (Disability and Rehabilitation) | Open for all nomination categories | ANMAC | Proficient | Current AHPRA registration (in principle registration accepted)
2 years post qualification work experience |
254418 | 注册护士(医学)Nurse (Medical) | Open for all nomination categories | ANMAC | Proficient | Current AHPRA registration (in principle registration accepted)
2 years post qualification work experience |
254421 | 注册护士(医疗实践)Registered Nurse (Medical Practice) | Open for all nomination categories | ANMAC | Proficient | Current AHPRA registration (in principle registration accepted)
2 years post qualification work experience |
254422 | 注册护士(心理健康)Registered Nurse (Mental Health) | Open for all nomination categories | ANMAC | Proficient | Current AHPRA registration (in principle registration accepted)
2 years post qualification work experience |
254423 | 注册护士(围手术期)Registered Nurse (Perioperative) | Open for all nomination categories | ANMAC | Proficient | Current AHPRA registration (in principle registration accepted)
2 years post qualification work experience |
254424 | 注册护士(手术)Registered Nurse (Surgical) | Open for all nomination categories | ANMAC | Proficient | Current AHPRA registration (in principle registration accepted)
2 years post qualification work experience |
254425 | 注册护士(儿科)Registered Nurse (Paediatric) | Open for all nomination categories | ANMAC | Proficient | Current AHPRA registration (in principle registration accepted)
2 years post qualification work experience |
254499 | 其他注册护士 Registered Nurses nec | Open for all nomination categories | ANMAC | Proficient | Current AHPRA registration (in principle registration accepted)
2 years post qualification work experience |
ANZSCO | Occupation | Status | Assessing Authority | English Proficiency
(Category2, 3A,3B Only) |
Other requirements and notes
(Category 3A Only) |
133111 | 施工项目经理 Construction Project Manager | Open for all nomination categories | VETASSESS | Proficient | at least 5 years post-qualification workforce experience |
133112 | 项目建造师 Project Builder | Open for all nomination categories | VETASSESS | Proficient | at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
312114 | 建筑估算员 construction estimator | Open for all nomination categories | VETASSESS | Competent | at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
312199 | 建筑,建造及测量技术员Architectural, Building and Surveying Technicians nec | Open for all nomination categories | VETASSESS | Competent | at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
321211 | 321211 汽车技工(普通) Motor Mechanic (General) | Open for all nomination categories | TRA | Competent | at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
321212 | 柴油汽车技工 Diesel Motor Mechanic | Open for all nomination categories | TRA | Competent | at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
321213 | 摩托车技工 Motorcycle Mechanic | Open for all nomination categories | TRA | Competent | at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
321214 | 小型发动机技工 Small Engine Mechanic | Open for all nomination categories | TRA | Competent | at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
322311 | 金属构造工 Metal Fabricator | Open for all nomination categories | TRA | Competent | at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
322313 | 焊工(甲等) Welder (First Class) | Open for all nomination categories | TRA | Competent | at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
323211 | 钳工(普通) Fitter (General) | Open for all nomination categories | TRA | Competent | at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
323212 | 钳工和车床工 Fitter and Turner | Open for all nomination categories | TRA | Competent | at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
323213 | 钳工和焊工 Fitter-Welder | Open for all nomination categories | TRA | Competent | at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
323214 | 金属机械师(甲等) Metal Machinist (First Class) | Open for all nomination categories | TRA | Competent | at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
331111 | 瓦工 Bricklayer | Open for all nomination categories | TRA | Competent | at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
331112 | 石匠 Stonemason | Open for all nomination categories | TRA | Competent | at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
331211 | 木工和细木工 Carpenter and Joiner | Open for all nomination categories | TRA | Competent | at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
331212 | 木匠 Carpenter | Open for all nomination categories | TRA | Competent | at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
331213 | 细木工 Joiner | Open for all nomination categories | TRA | Competent | at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
332211 | 绘画工人 Painting trades workers | Open for all nomination categories | TRA | Competent | at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
333111 | 玻璃工 Glazier | Open for all nomination categories | TRA | Competent | at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
333211 | 纤维泥水匠 Fibrous Plasterer | Open for all nomination categories | TRA | Competent | at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
333212 | 固体泥水匠 Solid Plasterer | Open for all nomination categories | TRA | Competent | at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
333311 | 屋顶铺瓦工Roof Tiler | Open for all nomination categories | TRA | Competent | at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
334111 | 管道工(普通) Plumber (General) | Open for all nomination categories | TRA | Competent | at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
334112 | 空调和机械服务水管工 Airconditioning and Mechanical Services Plumber | Open for all nomination categories | TRA | Competent | at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
334113 | 下水道工 Drainer | Open for all nomination categories | TRA | Competent | at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
334114 | 煤气工 Gasfitter | Open for all nomination categories | TRA | Competent | at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
334115 | 屋顶水暖工 Roof plumber | Open for all nomination categories | TRA | Competent | at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
341111 | 电工 Electrician | Open for all nomination categories | TRA | Competent | at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
394111 | 细木工 Cabinetmaker | Open for all nomination categories | TRA | Competent | at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
ANZSCO | Occupation | Status | Assessing Authority | English Proficiency
(Category2, 3A,3B Only) |
Other requirements and notes
(Category 3A Only) |
134212 | 临床护理主任 Nursing Clinical Director | Open for all nomination categories | ANMAC | Proficient | at least 5 years post-qualification workforce experience |
134213 | 初级卫生机构管理者 Primary Health Organisation Manager | Open for all nomination categories | VETASSESS | Proficient | at least 5 years post-qualification workforce experience |
134214 | 福利中心经理 Welfare Centre Manager | Open for all nomination categories | ACWA/VETASSESS | Proficient | at least 5 years post-qualification workforce experience |
251211 | 医疗放射诊断技师 Medical Diagnostic Radiographer | Open for all nomination categories | AIR | Proficient | at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
251212 | 医疗放射治疗师 Medical Radiation Therapist | Open for all nomination categories | AIR | Proficient | at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
251214 | 超声波检验师 Sonographer | Open for all nomination categories | AIR | Proficient | at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
251511 | 医院药剂师 Hospital Pharmacist | Open for all nomination categories | APharmC | Proficient | Current full AHPRA registration (in-principle or provisional registration is not sufficient)
2 years related post qualification work experience |
251513 | 零售药剂师 Retail Pharmacist | Open for all nomination categories | APharmC | Proficient | Current full AHPRA registration (in-principle or provisional registration is not sufficient)
2 years related post qualification work experience |
251912 | 义肢矫形师 Orthotist or Prosthetist | Open for all nomination categories | VETASSESS | Proficient | at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
252711 | 听力学家 Audiologist | Open for all nomination categories | VETASSESS | Proficient | at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
252712 | 语言病理学家 Speech Pathologist | Open for all nomination categories | SPA | Proficient | at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
254411 | 执业护师 Nurse Practitioner | Open for all nomination categories | ANMAC | Proficient | at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
253111 | 全科医生 General Medical Practitioner | Open for all nomination categories | Medical Board of Australia | Proficient | at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
253112 | 驻院医务人员Resident Medical Officer | Open for all nomination categories | Medical Board of Australia | Proficient | at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
272311 | 临床心理学家 Clinical Psychologist | Open for all nomination categories | APS | Proficient | at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
272314 | 心理治疗师 Psychotherapist | Open for all nomination categories | VETASSESS | Proficient | at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
272399 | 其他未分类心理学家 Psychologists nec | Open for all nomination categories | APS | Proficient | at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
272511 | 社工 Social Worker | Open for all nomination categories | AASW | Proficient | at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
311211 | 麻醉技术员Anaesthetic Technician | Open for all nomination categories | VETASSESS | Proficient | at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
272613 | 福利工作者Welfare Worker | Open for all nomination categories | ACWA | Proficient | at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
311212 | 心脏技术员Cardiac Technician | Open for all nomination categories | VETASSESS | Proficient | at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
311213 | 医学实验室技术员Medical Laboratory Technician | Open for all nomination categories | AIMS | Proficient | at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
311214 | 手术室技术员 Operating Theatre Technician | Open for all nomination categories | VETASSESS | Proficient | at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
311215 | 药房技术员Pharmacy Technician | Open for all nomination categories | VETASSESS | Proficient | at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
311216 | 病理收集员 Pathology Collector / Phlebotomist | Open for all nomination categories | AIMS | Proficient | at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
311299 | 其他医疗技师Medical Technicians nec | Open for all nomination categories | VETASSESS | Proficient | at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
411311 | 康乐治疗师Diversional Therapist | Open for all nomination categories | VETASSESS | Proficient | at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
411711 | 社工Community Worker | Open for all nomination categories | ACWA | Proficient | at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
411712 | 残疾人服务主任Disabilities Services Officer | Open for all nomination categories | ACWA | Proficient | at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
411715 | 安老院主任Residential Care Officer | Open for all nomination categories | ACWA | Proficient | at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
ANZSCO | Occupation | Status | Assessing Authority | English Proficiency
(Category2, 3A,3B Only) |
Other requirements and notes
(Category 3A Only) |
141111 | 咖啡馆或餐厅经理Cafe or Restaurant Manager | Open for all nomination categories | VETASSESS | Proficient | At least 3 years post qualification management experience in large scale restaurant |
141311 | 酒店或汽车旅馆经理Hotel or Motel Manager | Open for all nomination categories | VETASSESS | Proficient | Management experience in a large, international hotel operation |
351111 | 面包师Baker | Open for all nomination categories | TRA | Competent | at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
351112 | 面点师Pastrycook | Open for all nomination categories | TRA | Competent | at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
351311 | 主厨 Chef | Open for all nomination categories | TRA | Competent | at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience in large-scale kitchen |
351411 | 厨师Cook | Open for all nomination categories | TRA | Competent | at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience in large-scale kitchen |
ANZSCO | Occupation | Status | Assessing Authority | English Proficiency
(Category2, 3A,3B Only) |
Other requirements and notes
(Category 3A Only) |
133512 | 生产经理(制造业)Production Manager (Manufacturing) | Open for all nomination categories | VETASSESS | Proficient | at least 5 years post-qualification workforce experience |
232111 | 建筑师 Architect | Open for all nomination categories | AACA | Proficient | at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
232112 | 景观设计师 Landscape Architect | Open for all nomination categories | VETASSESS | Proficient | at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
232411 | 平面设计师Graphic Designer | Open for all nomination categories | VETASSESS | Proficient | at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
232412 | 插图画家Illustrator | Open for all nomination categories | VETASSESS | Proficient | at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
232413 | 多媒体设计师 Multimedia Designer | Open for all nomination categories | VETASSESS | Proficient | at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
232414 | 网页设计师Web Designer | Open for all nomination categories | VETASSESS | Proficient | at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
233211 | 土木工程师 Civil Engineer | Open for all nomination categories | Engineers Australia | Proficient | At least 5 years post qualification experience; plus
Eligibility to be registered on Engineers Australia's National Engineering Register as a Professional Engineer (i.e., completion of the competency assessment) OR Registration on Engineers Australia's National Engineering Register as a Professional Engineer OR Chartered Professional Engineer with Engineers Australia* *If gained more than three years ago, evidence that CPD requirements met |
233212 | 岩土工程师 Geotechnical Engineer | Open for all nomination categories | Engineers Australia | Proficient | At least 5 years post qualification experience; plus
Eligibility to be registered on Engineers Australia's National Engineering Register as a Professional Engineer (i.e., completion of the competency assessment) OR Registration on Engineers Australia's National Engineering Register as a Professional Engineer OR Chartered Professional Engineer with Engineers Australia* *If gained more than three years ago, evidence that CPD requirements met |
233213 | 工料测量师 Quantity Surveyor | Open for all nomination categories | AIQS | Proficient | at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
233214 | 结构工程师 Structural Engineer | Open for all nomination categories | Engineers Australia | Proficient | At least 5 years post qualification experience; plus
Eligibility to be registered on Engineers Australia's National Engineering Register as a Professional Engineer (i.e., completion of the competency assessment) OR Registration on Engineers Australia's National Engineering Register as a Professional Engineer OR Chartered Professional Engineer with Engineers Australia* *If gained more than three years ago, evidence that CPD requirements met |
233215 | 交通工程师Transport Engineer | Open for all nomination categories | Engineers Australia | Proficient | At least 5 years post qualification experience; plus
Eligibility to be registered on Engineers Australia's National Engineering Register as a Professional Engineer (i.e., completion of the competency assessment) OR Registration on Engineers Australia's National Engineering Register as a Professional Engineer OR Chartered Professional Engineer with Engineers Australia* *If gained more than three years ago, evidence that CPD requirements met |
233311 | 电气工程师 Electrical Engineer | Open for all nomination categories | Engineers Australia | Proficient | At least 5 years post qualification experience plus
Eligibility to be registered on Engineers Australia's National Engineering Register as a Professional Engineer (i.e., completion of the competency assessment) OR Registration on Engineers Australia's National Engineering Register as a Professional Engineer OR Chartered Professional Engineer with Engineers Australia* *If gained more than three years ago, evidence that CPD requirements met |
233512 | 机械工程师 Mechanical Engineer | Open for all nomination categories | Engineers Australia | Proficient | At least 5 years post qualification experience plus
Eligibility to be registered on Engineers Australia's National Engineering Register as a Professional Engineer (i.e., completion of the competency assessment) OR Registration on Engineers Australia's National Engineering Register as a Professional Engineer OR Chartered Professional Engineer with Engineers Australia* *If gained more than three years ago, evidence that CPD requirements met |
233513 | 生产或工厂工程师 Production or Plant Engineer | Open for all nomination categories | Engineers Australia | Proficient | Qualifications and experience must be directly linked to another Engineering occupation listed on TSOL.
At least 5 years post qualification experience plus Eligibility to be registered on Engineers Australia's National Engineering Register as a Professional Engineer (i.e., completion of the competency assessment) OR Registration on Engineers Australia's National Engineering Register as a Professional Engineer OR Chartered Professional Engineer with Engineers Australia* *If gained more than three years ago, evidence that CPD requirements met |
312111 | 建筑绘图员Architectural Draftsperson | Open for all nomination categories | VETASSESS | Proficient | at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
312116 | 测量或空间科学技术员 Surveying or Spatial Science Technician | Open for all nomination categories | VETASSESS | Proficient | At least 3 years post qualification experience |
ANZSCO | Occupation | Status | Assessing Authority | English Proficiency
(Category2, 3A,3B Only) |
Other requirements and notes
(Category 3A Only) |
121111 | 水产养殖农民 Aquaculture Farmer | Open for all nomination categories | VETASSESS | Competent | at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
121213 | 水果或坚果种植者Fruit or Nut Grower | Open for all nomination categories | VETASSESS | Competent | at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
121215 | 葡萄种植者Grape Grower | Open for all nomination categories | VETASSESS | Competent | at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
121216 | 混合作物农民 Mixed Crop Farmer | Open for all nomination categories | VETASSESS | Competent | at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
121221 | 菜农Vegetable Grower | Open for all nomination categories | VETASSESS | Competent | at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
121299 | 其他未分类农作物农民Crop Farmers nec | Open for all nomination categories | VETASSESS | Competent | at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
121311 | 养蜂人Apiarist | Open for all nomination categories | VETASSESS | Competent | at least 2 years post-qualification workforce experience |
121312 | 肉牛农民 Beef Cattle Farmer | Open for all nomination categories | VETASSESS | Competent | at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
121313 | 奶牛农民 Dairy Cattle Farmer | Open for all nomination categories | VETASSESS | Competent | at least 2 years post-qualification workforce experience |
121316 | 马饲养员 horse breeder | Open for all nomination categories | VETASSESS | Competent | at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
121317 | 混合型畜牧业农民 Mixed Livestock Farmer | Open for all nomination categories | VETASSESS | Competent | at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
121318 | 养猪农民 Pig Farmer | Open for all nomination categories | VETASSESS | Competent | at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
121321 | 家禽饲养员Poultry Farmer | Open for all nomination categories | VETASSESS | Competent | at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
121322 | 绵羊饲养员 Sheep Farmer | Open for all nomination categories | VETASSESS | Competent | at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
121399 | 其他未分类畜牧业农民 Livestock Farmers nec | Open for all nomination categories | VETASSESS | Competent | at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
234213 | 酿酒师 Wine Maker | Open for all nomination categories | VETASSESS | Competent | at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
234111 | 农业顾问 Agricultural Consultant | Open for all nomination categories | VETASSESS | Proficient | at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
234112 | 农业科学家 Agricultural Scientist | Open for all nomination categories | VETASSESS | Proficient | at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
ANZSCO | Occupation | Status | Assessing Authority | English Proficiency
(Category2, 3A,3B Only) |
Other requirements and notes
(Category 3A Only) |
241111 | 幼儿教育(学前教育)教师 Early Childhood (PrePrimary School) Teacher | Open for all nomination categories | AITSL | IELTS Overall: 7.5
Speaking: 8.0 Listening: 8.0 Reading: 7.0 Writing: 7.0 |
At least 3 years post qualification experience in an English language school environment |
242111 | 大学讲师 University Lecture | Open for all nomination categories | VETASSESS | Proficient | At least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
OTHER | |||||
ANZSCO | Occupation | Status | Assessing Authority | English Proficiency
(Category2, 3A,3B Only) |
Other requirements and notes
(Category 3A Only) |
133611 | 供应及分销经理Supply and Distribution Manager | Open for all nomination categories | IML | Proficient | at least 5 years post-qualification workforce experience |
139914 | 质量保证经理Quality Assurance Manager | Open for all nomination categories | VETASSESS | Proficient | at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience
experience and employability research must be related to engineering or industrial production |
361111 | 驯犬师或训犬师Dog Handler or Trainer | Open for all nomination categories | TRA | Competent | at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
362211 | 园丁(普通)Gardener (General) | Open for all nomination categories | TRA | Competent | at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
391111 | 理发师Hairdresser | Open for all nomination categories | TRA | Competent | at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |